Chapter 6: Common Vegetables for Seed and Fruit

Chapter 6: Common Vegetables for Seed and Fruit

Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum (Mill.) DC, family Umbelliferae

Celeriac, often called knob-celery, is grown primarily for its roots (fig. 67), which are similar to turnips but with a celery flavor (James 1965). Otherwise, so far as is known, its pollination requirements are the same as for celery (see "Celery"). Its culture for seed resembles that of carrot (see ''Carrot'') (Hawthorn and Pollard 1956*).

FIGURE 67. - Celeriac roots.


JAMES, R. 1965. CELERIAC - CELERY WITH A DIFFERENCE. Organic Gard. and Farming 12(2): 75.

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